Broad frequency range chemical and biochemical material remote detection using quantum-enhanced FAST

Project: Research project

Project Details


An early detection of known hazardous chemicals and biochemicals released in the air is a crucial task aimed at addressing them on t,ime. A novel, quantum-enabled approach is proposed to register a change in the environment by detecting predetermined vibrational fr,equencies - the fingerprints of the hazards. It makes use of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectroscopic tool enhanced by s,haping of the applied femtosecond pulse trains to maximize the signal from the targets. The strategy for pulse shaping is developed,from the quantum principles of light-matter interaction, from which the quantum control methods derive. The quantum enhancement wil,l be achieved by implementing the chirped pump, Stokes and probe pulses according to our new scheme of C-CARS, which maximizes quant,um coherence in the target molecular systems. Coherent signal in the backward direction will be sustained due to vibrational dynami,cs controlled by phase locked pulse trains having a carefully chosen repetition rate. The implementation of control pulse trains fo,rming optical frequency combs in CARS for remote detection presents a fundamentally new approach within Femtosecond Adaptive Spectro,scopic Techniques (FAST CARS). Each pulse in the pulse train will be analyzed and controlled using the deep Convolutional Neural Net,work (CNN) algorithm, which we have developed and will expand to a general form of the pulse shape. The CNN model is necessary to a,nalyze the modulation of the phase of the laser fields upon propagation through the air and aids in making adjustments to the contr,ol algorithm for the laser fields. The detection principle relies on the nonlinear optical response of the target molecules, when a,blue-shifted with respect to the incident fields radiation is generated coherently in the medium and propagates in a direction defin,ed by the phase-matching condition in the four-wave mixing of CARS. For the biochemical material carried by droplets, the so-called,BOX configuration of the laser beams will be implied, with the anti-Stokes signal emerging from the fourth corner of the rectangle,geometry of lasers setting. This is a so called FAST BOXCARS. We will perform a series of experiments that demonstrate principal ben,efits of backscattered FAST BOXCARS signal including its directionality, enhanced quantum coherence and the importance of pulse shap,ing in accordance with developed quantum control approaches. The completion of proposed work will advance the detection methods of,predetermined hazardous air contaminants and will result in a demonstration of improved by ~25% standoff detection. Approved for Pu,blic Release

Effective start/end date2/05/22 → …


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