CAREER: Scalable quantum photonic devices based on vertical quantum dots and photonic crystals

Project: Research project

Project Details


Objective: The objective of this program is to address the problem of scalability of semiconductor quantum photonic devices currently limited by the inherently random nucleation process of self-assembled quantum dots. The approach is to design, fabricate, and characterize a novel type of vertical quantum dot, which can be precisely positioned in large quantity by top-down fabrication techniques with respect to photonic crystal resonator modes.

Intellectual Merit: Quantum information science is a fast growing and highly interdisciplinary field with the potential to cause revolutionary advances in science and engineering. Spatial arrangement of several quantum dots with respect to a cavity mode is still an open issue and formation of quantum networks seems quite challenging. The proposed approach offers a pathway to overcome these challenges and demonstrate scalability. If successful, this work will also lead to the demonstration of multi-photon entanglement on a chip and opens up fascinating possibilities to investigate advanced quantum optical effects such as photon blockade in cleaner systems and under very controlled conditions.

Broader Impact: The proposed work is transformative in nature since the anticipated scalable quantum photonic devices enable novel applications in on-chip quantum information processing, quantum communication, quantum lithography, and national security. The educational activities integrate research in nanotechnology in form of a Nanophysics Summer School for undergraduates, as well as high-school and community college teachers. Underrepresented groups will be motivated and encouraged to participate via the Stevens Technical Enrichment Program and the research will be disseminated to K-12 students within the NSF GK-12 program.

Effective start/end date1/02/1131/01/16


  • National Science Foundation


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