Collaborative Research: Control of Atomic-Scale Friction by Normal Surface Oscillation

Project: Research project

Project Details


The research objective of this award is to develop control methodologies to reduce friction by surface vibration. Controlling frictional properties in a desired way is traditionally achieved by chemical means, while a recent idea in controlling the system mechanically by applying small perturbations to accessible elements of the sliding system was shown effective through microscopic level experiments. In particular, ultralow friction was observed by actuating surface contact and introducing normal vibrations between the sliding surfaces. The research will result in rigorous mathematical understanding of the effect of normal surface oscillation on friction, and control methods to quantitatively adjust vibration parameters. The project will validate the analytic results through atomic force microscopy experiments, in collaboration with scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

If successful, the project will advance the understanding of nanoscale friction, and move beyond the understanding of the behaviors to an ability to precisely control them. Methods in reducing friction between contacting surfaces find their wide applications in machines, MEMS, and in the development of low-friction surfaces. The project will provide theoretical support to experimental observations and suggest new control mechanisms guiding experiments towards the reduction of friction. The results will be disseminated through a unique online platform for atomic-scale friction that will be built under the project?s effort, in order to provide a live environment for community building and facilitate the evolvement of all knowledge related to friction control from different disciplines. The graduate student funded through the project will benefit from the multi-disciplinary nature of the research, and have the opportunity to visit and be involved with Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Effective start/end date1/09/0831/08/11


  • National Science Foundation


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