Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: Mutualistic Cyber-Physical Interaction for Self-Adaptive Multi-Damage Monitoring of Civil Infrastructure

Project: Research project

Project Details


This project aims to enable mutualistic interaction of cyber damage prognostics and physical reconfigurable sensing for mutualistic and self-adaptive cyber-physical systems (CPS). Drawing inspiration from mutualism in biology where two species interact in a way that benefits both, the cyber and the physical interact in a way that they simultaneously benefit from and contribute to each other to enhance the ability of the CPS to predict, reconfigure, and adapt. Such interaction is generalizable, allowing it to enhance CPS applications in various domains. In the civil infrastructure systems domain, the mutualistic interaction-enabled CPS will allow for reconfiguring a single type of sensor, adaptively based on damage prognostics, to monitor multiple classes of infrastructure damages – thereby improving the cost-effectiveness of multi-damage infrastructure monitoring by reducing the types and number of sensors needed and maximizing the timeliness and accuracy of damage assessment and prediction at the same time. Enabling cost-effective multi-damage monitoring is promising to leapfrog the development of safer, more resilient, and sustainable infrastructure, which would stimulate economic growth and social welfare for the benefit of the nation and its people. This project will also contribute to NSF’s commitment to broadening participation in engineering (BPE) by developing innovative, interdisciplinary, and inclusive BPE programs to attract, train, and reward the next-generation engineering researchers and practitioners who are capable creators of CPS technology and not only passive consumers, thereby enhancing the U.S. economy, security, and well-being.The envisioned CPS includes three integrated components: (1) data-driven, knowledge-informed deep learning methods for generalizable damage prognostics to predict the onset and propagation of infrastructure damages, providing information about target damages to inform reconfigurable sensing, (2) signal difference maximization theory-based reconfigurable sensing methods to optimize and physically control the configurations of the sensors to actively seek to monitor each of the predicted target damages, providing damage-seeking feedback to inform damage prognostics, and (3) quality-aware edge cloud computing methods for efficient and effective damage information extraction from raw sensing signals, serving as the bridge between damage prognostics and reconfigurable sensing. The proposed CPS will be tested in multi-damage monitoring of bridges using simulation-based and actual CPS prototypes, and would be generalized to monitoring other civil infrastructure in the future. The proposed CPS methods have the potential to transform the way we design, create, and operate CPS to enable the next-generation CPS that have greater predictive ability, reconfigurability, and adaptability.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Effective start/end date1/08/2331/07/26


  • National Science Foundation


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