Conference: Groups, geometry and dynamics

Project: Research project

Project Details


Kervaire Seminar: Geometry of groups 2013 (Swiss Doctoral Program in Mathematics), Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 10-15 March, 2013.

The conference covers several branches of modern group theory: geometric group theory, asymptotic behavior of infinite groups, group actions and dynamical systems. Research one-hour talks are complemented by several mini-courses given by the leading experts in the field.

Geometric group theory is a relatively young field with roots in combinatorial group theory and topology. In the mid 1980's, spurred by ideas of Gromov, group theorists began to pay attention to the geometric structures which cell complexes can carry. This attention shed a great deal of light on the earlier combinatorial and topological investigations and stimulated other innovative ideas which have been developing at a rapid pace. As it has grown over the past 20 years, geometric group theory has developed many different facets, including geometry, topology, analysis, logic. Asymptotic behavior of infinite groups has been one of the main themes in geometric group theory since the early nineties. The asymptotic invariants of a group reflect the large-scale geometry of the group, they paly an important part in theory and applications. Interplay between group actions and dynamical systems is a new area of group theory. On the one hand, conformal dynamical systems yield a rich source of such groups with interesting algebraic, geometric, and spectral properties. On the other hand, such groups can be shown to yield conformal dynamical systems with remarkable geometric and measure-theoretic regularity.

Effective start/end date15/01/1330/06/14


  • National Science Foundation


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