Cybersecurity Laboratory: Enhancing the Hands-on Experience in Cybersecurity Education

Project: Research project

Project Details


This Cyber Service: Scholarship for Service (SFS) capacity building project at the Stevens Institute of Technology is developing a laboratory and related learning materials that explore the role and use of clustered graphical processing units (GPUs) in cybersecurity applications and education. The existing cybersecurity laboratory at Stevens is being upgraded to include clusters of NVIDIA S1070 and S2050 GPUs. Instructional modules on multicore computing and cybersecurity are being developed and integrated into undergraduate courses on computer algebra and cryptography. The new laboratory facility is also being used for senior design projects. The course materials in multicore computing are being adopted and evaluated in an undergraduate course at Howard University. The results from this project are being disseminated through conference, including a DIMACS workshop, and journal publications. The project includes rigorous formative and summative evaluation plans with both qualitative and quantitative components coordinated by an experienced independent evaluator.

Effective start/end date15/09/1031/08/14


  • National Science Foundation


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