Laser Metal Deposition System for Additive Manufacturing and Corrosion Study of Metals

Project: Research project

Project Details


Funds are provided to purchase LMD system to enable the SIT to study fundamentals of the relations between anisotropicity in microstructures and resultant corrosion resistance of metals fabricated by additive manufacturing, to evaluate corrosion resistance of the AMAs in the marine environments by synergistically integrating theoretical and experimental approaches, to understand these relations to fabricate the metal components with enhanced corrosion resistance for use in the marine environment, and to determine the possible liabilities and potential enhancements that may be imparted to the material due to the unique microstructures, phase compositions, and chemical heterogeneities inherent to AM, ultimately impacting the ability of the Navy and USMC to apply critical component designs with reduced or eliminated unknown corrosion risk.

Effective start/end date13/03/18 → …


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