LEAPS-MPS: Tailoring the Thermal Properties of Flexible Two-Dimensional (2D) Heterostructures

Project: Research project

Project Details


This award is funded in whole or in part under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Public Law 117-2). NONTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION. Recent advances in atomically thin crystals derived from layered materials have enabled the creation of two-dimensional (2D) heterostructures with unique properties. These heterostructures have a variety of applications, including wearable devices, microelectronics cooling, and generation of electricity from waste heat (thermoelectricity). One challenge for flexible electronics based on 2D materials is managing heat under mechanical stress while maintaining performance. Further innovations require an efficient thermal control strategy to address this issue. The objective of this project is to examine the fundamental aspects of thermal transport in 2D heterostructures and achieve efficient thermal control via structural tailoring. This research advances the current frontiers of two-dimensional materials and devices. This study is expected to elucidate the essential thermal physics and open a new route for the exploration of future electronics by leveraging unique thermal properties of 2D materials and structures. This work addresses the grand challenge of global sustainable energy solutions by enabling innovative design solutions of electronic devices. The project will use thermal technology as a motivator to engage students via interactive games about the wave nature of thermal transport, workshops and curriculum crosslinking art and engineering, and mentorships for women students. The PI will work with a broad range of students, from K-12 to graduate students, with students with developmental delays and those underrepresented in STEM. This project will generate extraordinary materials and inspire students through educational activities. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION. The research objective of this project is to investigate and control the fundamental thermal behavior in two-dimensional heterostructures via structural tailoring. Understanding structural effects on thermal properties will be harnessed to derive a learning-based framework and directly validated by experiments. Experimental approaches of materials synthesis, device nanofabrication and thermal characterization are emphasized and reinforced by analytical modeling and computer simulations. Specifically, a dual laser at same side opto-thermal Raman technique will be used to perform direction-dependent and anisotropic thermal characterizations on structurally tailored two-dimensional heterostructures. The proposed research activities, aiming at investigating new thermal physics and developing novel device technological precursors, provide a firsthand, in-depth understanding of how to control thermal behavior of two-dimensional materials via structural tailoring and provide a pathway to the development of innovative two-dimensional heterostructure devices with ultra-efficient performance. The outcome of this project is expected to be a major leap in fundamental understanding of structure-thermal couplings, enabling unprecedented thermal control methods, and revolutionize future electronic platforms.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Effective start/end date1/06/2231/05/25


  • National Science Foundation


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