Project Details
Proposal #: 12-29178
PI(s): Cappelleri, David; Backburn, Mark; Mordohai, Philippos; Valdevit, Antonio; Zavlanos, Michael M.
Institution: Stevens Institute of Technology
Title: MRI/Acq.: Large Volume, High Resolution Motion Capture System for an Interdisciplinary Research Facility
Project Proposed:
This project, acquiring a Vicon Motion Capture System, aims to support a wide range of technologies and systems including unmanned vehicles, embedded robotics, sensing, perception and visualization, and collaborative, cooperative, networked robotics. Adding critical capability to researchers, the instrumentation is expected to impact research projects in the following areas:
- Micro aerial vehicles, Active Heterogeneous Sensor Teams, 3D Range Data Generation and Reconstruction,
- Control of Mobile Robot Networks, Biomechanics, Human-Robot collaboration, Concept Engineering, and Concept of Operations Development
Since the institution has initiated a wide range of interdisciplinary high-risk, high payoff technologies and systems, the instrumentation fosters a multidisciplinary research-intensive learning environment. Utilizing highly responsive instrumentation to capture the nuances that can be missed by lesser systems, this work should advance the area of motion capture to the next generation. The instrumentation is also expected to greatly accelerate research progress in the multiple areas addressed.
Broader Impacts:
The system impacts research projects in many emerging robotics, controls, and scientific areas of national and societal importance. The instrumentation supports a training environment and educational initiatives that contribute to increase the number of undergraduate and graduate students to the system and the research projects that leverage its capabilities. Enabled research will be incorporated into classes and outreach programs. This acquisition fosters further the integration of research and education.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/09/12 → 31/08/15 |
- National Science Foundation