Project Details
The objective of this research is to acquire a Nanonex 1000 Nanoimprint Lithography System with high-resolution (~10 nm) and high-throughput (~60 sec) capabilities for use in low-dimensional nanoscale research and educational initiatives. The approach is to utilize the requested system for multidisciplinary research projects in nanotechnology and support educational initiatives underway at Stevens.
Intellectual Merit The fabrication capabilities enhanced by the requested system will directly impact a variety of research projects spanning many emerging micro/nanotechnology and science areas. The requested system is a state-of-the-art nanolithography tool that will significantly enhance ongoing research projects centered in the multi-user Micro Device Laboratory at Stevens Institute of Technology, which currently lacks high-throughput nanopatterning capability. The acquisition of the requested system will therefore significantly enhance the efforts of currently funded research projects, while expanding the scope of emerging research activities.
Broader Impacts The interdisciplinary research projects will provide the requested system a consistently growing user base, fostering a multidisciplinary research-intense learning environment in nanotechnology. This acquisition will also directly support educational initiatives underway at Stevens. The requested system will be highlighted in an ongoing NUE project, an innovative multimedia/web-based learning material development program seeking to incorporate both nanotechnology education and academic research into the undergraduate curriculum. Research enabled by the requested system will also be incorporated into graduate and undergraduate classes being developed and taught at Stevens. In this manner, the proposed acquisition will further foster integration of research and education through the educational initiatives and research activities at Stevens and our local collaborators.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/01/11 → 31/12/13 |
- National Science Foundation