Project: Research project

Project Details


The objective of the proposed three-year effort is to develop and validate mathematical tools for modeling the forces that arise on the aft portion of a supercavitating underwater vehicle and to develop a control system for a cavitator-controlled supercavitating vehicle. A supercavitating underwater vehicle is a vehicle that operates in a gas cavity. Because the buoyancy force that exists on a normal underwater vehicle is absent, the weight of the vehicle must be supported on the portion of the vehicle that generates the cavity- the cavitator- and on an aft planningsurface. The basic research proposed here will study this latter force experimentally and computationally. The research will also develop methodologies to apply the experimental and computational results to the analysis and design of supercavitating vehicles. The research will study both the vertical and lateral forces that arise on a planning surface. The first year of the effort will develop the apparatus to experimentally measure the forces on a cylinder planning on a flat surface. The second year of the effort will develop methods for creating curved surfaces with desired dimensions in a towing tank. The third year of the effort will study dynamic or time-varying interaction between a cylindrical planning body and a curved surface.

Effective start/end date1/12/13 → …


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