NeTS: Small: xBeam: Cross-Layer Beamforming Against Denial of Service Attacks in Wireless Networks

Project: Research project

Project Details


This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5.)

It is commonly understood that to achieve a desired level of security in wireless networks is a bigger challenge than in wired networks. The denial of service (DoS) attack is a prominent threat in wired networks, and is a more potent threat in the wireless domain. This project aims to explore enabling approaches for a novel beamforming framework with cross-layer interactions, referred to as xBeam, as a defense against DoS attacks in wireless networks. This project examines various DoS attacks, develops xBeam algorithms, evaluates the effectiveness of xBeam in deterring DoS attacks, and validates the algorithms using a wireless test bed.

Intellectual merit: This project develops a novel defense approach against DoS attacks in wireless networks, which is based on adaptive beamforming with cross-layer interactions. The approach can deter DoS attacks across different networking layers, multiple DoS attacks mounting from different spatial directions, and attacks mounted by malicious attackers who are mobile.

Broader impact: This research contributes to a substantial improvement in wireless network security and contributes to the advance of a networked mobile wireless information society. The project supports research oriented education, by providing opportunities for advanced study of wireless network security through coursework and hands-on experimentation. This research also provides quality research experiences for undergraduate students in the summer, particularly students from underrepresented groups.

Effective start/end date1/09/0931/08/13


  • National Science Foundation


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