NIRT: Self-Assembled Nanohydrogels for Differential Cell Adhesion and Infection Control

Project: Research project

Project Details


This proposal was received in response to the Active Nanostructures and Nanosystems initiative, NSF 06-595, category NIRT.


Libera, Matthew R.

Stevens Institute of Technology

Title:NIRT: Self-Assembled Nanohydrogels for Differential Cell Adhesion and Infection Control

This project centers on the design and self-assembly of nanohydrogels that will either be adhesive to cells or repulsive to cells.

The special adhesive feature of the biomaterial relies on the detailed spatial composition of cell-adhesive and cell-repulsive nano sized hydrogels. The investigators are utilizing the well-documented differential in binding of eukaryotic cells versus bacteria. They are utilizing a very straight forward and creative mechanism for creating these controllable cell adherent surfaces. Finally, the successful completion of the project will lead to a major advancement in biomaterial. Such material will find wide surgical application.

Effective start/end date1/09/0731/01/13


  • National Science Foundation


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