PFI: Stevens Environmental Entrepreneurship Program

Project: Research project

Project Details


This Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) project will create the Environmental Entrepreneurship Lab at Stevens Institute of Technology to foster rapid development and acceptance into the market of environmental innovations that can be adopted by existing companies. The Environmental Entrepreneurship Lab will combine the "technology push" usually found in technology transfer with "market pull" assisted by competent partners such as entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and representatives from regulatory agencies. The goal is to reduce the usual 3 to 4 year time frame for technology transfer by integrating market knowledge into the invention process and simplifying the transfer process at the market end. By joining the two concepts of technology push and market pull, Stevens will be able to introduce environmental solutions before the need for those solutions becomes a headline story. The Environmental Entrepreneurship Lab will pull together competent partners with diverse backgrounds, including faculty, students, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and investors, industry partners, and representatives from local government and regulatory agencies.The Environmental Entrepreneurship Lab will be an interdisciplinary university-wide resource that introduces environmental awareness and entrepreneurial behavior to faculty and students in all fields. Special emphasis will be placed on outreach and the inclusion of minority Ph.D. students and undergraduate students interested in pursuing a Ph.D. degree in environmental science or engineering. The outreach program will be strengthened through the participation of the Polytechnic University of New York and Stevens in a City University of New York-led Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate program. Initially, the Environmental Entrepreneurship Lab will focus on environmental innovations at Stevens, but it can readily be adapted to serve the specific needs of other technologies and universities.Partners include the Stevens Institute of Technology (lead institution), Polytechnic University of New York, GE Edge Lab at UConn, Venture Association of New Jersey, Stryker Instruments, New Jersey Corporation for Advanced Technology, New Jersey Economic Development Authority, State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, New Jersey Technology Council, New York City Economic Development Corporation (CEDC), and NJ Jumpstart.
Effective start/end date15/01/0831/12/10


  • National Science Foundation


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