Quantum-enhanced FAST CARS for remote detection using a multi-static platform Abstract

Project: Research project

Project Details


SIT proposes a new quantum principle based approach for remote detection of hazardouscontaminants. It is based on quantum-enabled' coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering(CARS) of laser radiation from the distant molecules in the backward direction. The quan-tum enhancement is made by implementing quantum control methodology, which maximizesquantum coherence in the target molecules. Coherent signal in the backward direction is sus-tained by application of phase locked pulse train, which forms an optical frequency comb.The implementation of quantum control methods in combination with optical frequencycombs in CARS for remote detection presents a fundamentally new approach within Fem-tosecond Adaptive Spectroscopic Techniques (FAST CARS). Each pulse in the pulse trainis analyzed and controlled using the deep learning algorithm. Deep neural networks areused to analyze the modulation of the phase of the laser fields propagating through the airand aids in making adjustments to the control algorithm for the laser fields. The detectionprinciple relies on the nonlinear optical response of the target molecules, when a blue-shiftedwith respect to the incident fields radiation is generated coherently in the medium and prop-agates in a direction defined by the phase-matching condition in the four-wave mixing ofCARS. The configuration of the laser beams implies the BOX type, with the anti-Stokessignal emerging from the fourth corner. This is a so called FAST BOXCARS, a laser con- guration, which will be implemented on a multi-static platform such as nearby inflatablesor unmanned aerial vehicles (drones). SIT assume a significant enhancement of the signalusing quantum control approach within this laser configuration on the multi-static platform.SIT will perform a series of experiments that demonstrate principal benefits of backscatteredFAST BOXCARS signal including its directionality, enhanced quantum coherence, feasibil-ity of using the optical frequency comb and the importance of pulse shaping in accordancewith developed quantum control approaches. The completion of proposed work will advanceunderstanding of the limits of realization of FAST BOXCARS for the remote detection ofhazardous air' contaminants and will result in a demonstration of improved by 25% standoffdetection.

Effective start/end date1/03/20 → …


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