RAPID: Collection of Water Level, Scour and Structural Damage Data from Extreme Storm Surge for the Future Improvement of Structural Systems and Their Resistance to Natural Hazard

Project: Research project

Project Details


This Rapid Research Grant (RAPID) project will collect perishable storm surge and structural damage data in three communities caused by Hurricane Sandy that made landfall on October 29, 2012. Hurricane Sandy affected large areas of coastlines of New York and New Jersey. The storm was judged to be Category 1 based on its wind speed. However, the hurricane affected millions of people living along the east coast of the United States. The research will document storm surge and structural damages in three communities in the New Jersey coastal area that are located within 12 km along the coast. The three communities are selected on the basis of different levels of damage experienced by each of the communities.

The novelty of this research is in its focus on three coastal communities. The communities are located within 12 km along the coast; however they experienced different levels of damage. The collected data will improve our fundamental understanding of surge propagation over a developed coast and can produce effective coastal hazard mitigation strategies. High-resolution GPS-based surveying methods will be employed to capture the location and elevation of high water marks and any scour or sedimentation adjacent to structures. Elevation and location data will be supplemented with digital images of measurement location, local topographic changes, and a description of structural failure mode. The collected data will provide modelers an opportunity to investigate the development of overland wave and surge propagation through the built environment. In addition, this will provide engineers fundamental insights into the hydrodynamic loads on coastal structures.

Effective start/end date1/02/1331/01/14


  • National Science Foundation


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