Remote detection of chem/bio hazards via coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy

Project: Research project

Project Details


The implementation of quantum control methods in combination with optical frequencycombs in CARS for remote detection presents a fundamentally new approach within Fem-tosecond Adaptive Spectroscopic Techniques. To implement it to remote sensing we proposea com'bined e ort of theory and experiment, which will lead to the enhancement of the co-herent backward signal compared to current state'' of the art techniques. To achieve thisgoal, we will develop a rigorous, semiclassical theory of CARS signal propagation through a'dispersive medium. We will write a numerical code for calculation of the directional signalat arbitrary distance from the scattered light source. We will implement quantum controlmethods to optimize CARS signal in the backward direction. We will develop a new ap#NAME? elds of much lower intensities because of the ac-cumulative coherent e ects between vibrational levels in molecules under the investigation.We will perform a series of experiments that demonstrate principal bene ts of backscatteredCARS signal including its di'rectionality, enhanced coherence, feasibility of using opticalfrequency comb and the importance of pulse shaping in accordance of d'eveloped controlapproaches. The completion of proposed work will advance understanding of the limits ofrealization of FAST CARS fo'r the remote detection of hazardous air contaminants and willresult in a demonstration of improved by 25% stando detection.'' - -

Effective start/end date28/04/17 → …


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