Time-Resolved, Non-Intrusive Measurements in Unsteady Hypersonic Flows

Project: Research project

Project Details


The overall objective of the research to be supported by this equipment request is to collect experimental data in previously-inaccessible, unsteady hypersonic flows. A Pulse-Burst Laser (PBL) is requested to serve as the pump laser for experiments with time-resolved Krypton Tagging Velocimetry (KTV), Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence (PLIF), and Scattering. We will use this laser system to probe new flow physics of interest to ONR including hypersonic turbulence, shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions, and multi-phase flows. An additional outcome of this research will be much-needed, currently-non-existent data for the validation of computational models capable of accurately predicting hypersonic flows. The impact of the data provided by this equipment will be reduced uncertainty in the computational models used for hypersonic vehicle design. The proposed equipment request will significantly augment the capability of KTV by improving the repetition rate from 10 Hz to greater than 100 kHz which would be a game-changing capability. The long-term vision of this equipment request is to make time-resolved measurements in a broad class of previously inaccessible flows that are of interest to ONR now and in the future. These measurements will be made in the currently ONR-supported Stevens Hypersonic Ludwieg Tube. In addition, we will enthusiastically support current and future ONR hypersonic aerodynamic experiments with the PBL at collaborator institutions; especially (but not exclusively) the hypersonic research efforts at the University of Maryland.

Effective start/end date1/06/20 → …


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