U.S.-Brazil Cooperative Research: Towards a Practical Calculus of Object-Oriented Programming

Project: Research project

Project Details




This US-Brazil collaborative research award to Dr. David A. Naumann, Sevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey will permit a two-year study of practical calculus of Object-Oriented Programming with Professor Ana Cavalcanti, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, Brazil.

This research is expected to produce a calculus for development of object-oriented programs. The calculus will include laws for program derivation and optimization as well as object-oriented class design and class structuring. Given the predominance of object-oriented languages in current industrial practice, and the increasing attention being given to rigorous validation of system properties like security, the importance of improved development methods is critical. This work will help bridge the gaps between recent work in programming methods (restricted languages, simple methods, impressive applications) and semantics (rich languages even beyond those used today, but concentrating on type structures rather than reasoning.)


Effective start/end date1/06/9930/06/02


  • National Science Foundation


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