3D Bioprinted GelMA Based Models for the Study of Trophoblast Cell Invasion

Houzhu Ding, Nicholas P. Illsley, Robert C. Chang

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Bioprinting is an emerging and promising technique for fabricating 3D cell-laden constructs for various biomedical applications. In this paper, we employed 3D bioprinted GelMA-based models to investigate the trophoblast cell invasion phenomenon, enabling studies of key placental functions. Initially, a set of optimized material and process parameters including GelMA concentration, UV crosslinking time and printing configuration were identified by systematic, parametric study. Following this, a multiple-ring model (2D multi-ring model) was tested with the HTR-8/SVneo trophoblast cell line to measure cell movement under the influence of EGF (chemoattractant) gradients. In the multi-ring model, the cell front used as a cell invasion indicator moves at a rate of 85 ± 33 µm/day with an EGF gradient of 16 µM. However, the rate was dramatically reduced to 13 ± 5 µm/day, when the multi-ring model was covered with a GelMA layer to constrain cells within the 3D environment (3D multi-ring model). Due to the geometric and the functional limitations of multi-ring model, a multi-strip model (2D multi-strip model) was developed to investigate cell movement in the presence and absence of the EGF chemoattractant. The results show that in the absence of an overlying cell-free layer of GelMA, movement of the cell front shows no significant differences between control and EGF-stimulated rates, due to the combination of migration and proliferation at high cell density (6 × 106 cells/ml) near the GelMA surface. When the model was covered by a layer of GelMA (3D multi-strip model) and migration was excluded, EGF-stimulated cells showed an invasion rate of 21 ± 3 µm/day compared to the rate for unstimulated cells, of 5 ± 4 µm/day. The novel features described in this report advance the use of the 3D bioprinted placental model as a practical tool for not only measurement of trophoblast invasion but also the interaction of invading cells with other tissue elements.

Original languageEnglish
Article number18854
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2019


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