53Object-Oriented Support for Adaptive Methods on Parallel Machines

Sandeep Bhatt, Marina Chen, James Cowie, Cheng Yee Lin, Pangfeng Liu

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2 Scopus citations


This article reports on experiments from our ongoing project whose goal is to develop a C+ + library which supports adaptive and irregular data structures on distributed memory supercomputers. We demonstrate the use of our abstractions in implementing "tree codes" for large-scale N-body simulations. These algorithms require dynamically evolving treelike data structures, as well as load-balancing, both of which are widely believed to make the application difficult and cumbersome to program for distributed- memory machines. The ease of writing the application code on top of our C++ library abstractions (which themselves are application independent), and the low overhead of the resulting C++ code (over hand-crafted C code) supports our belief that object- oriented approaches are eminently suited to programming distributed-memory machines in a manner that (to the applications programmer) is architecture-independent. Our contribution in parallel programming methodology is to identify and encapsulate general classes of communication and load-balancing strategies useful across applications and MIMD architectures. This article reports experimental results from simulations of half a million particles using multiple methods.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)179-192
Number of pages14
JournalScientific Programming
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1993


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