A game-based laboratory for gear design

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


Recent research indicates that computer games share many characteristics with problem-solving activities, such as the construction of a problem context, multiple paths to a specific goal, collaboration between multiple participants, unknown outcomes as well as elements of competition and chance. Taking advantage of game technology for offering truly immersive and interactive learning experiences has now become a real possibility. Such game-based educational environments involve synchronous student interaction mediated through a computer network, and they benefit the students by stimulating the different modalities of learning, i.e. visual, audio, read/write and kinesthetic. This paper presents the development of a game-based virtual laboratory environment for geartrain design, which goes beyond static demonstrations or conventional computer simulations. This virtual laboratory environment provides the students with the flexibility to perform many experiments related to the fundamental law of gearing and the concepts of the planetary motion of gears. In this virtual laboratory environment, the students, the instructor and the teaching assistant are represented by and interact as virtual characters (avatars). The scripted scenario for the laboratory exercise was piloted in the Fall 2010 semester in 'ME 358 Machine Dynamics and Mechanisms', a junior-level course for mechanical engineering majors. Assessment tools such as pre- and post-experiment tests are an integral part of the game-based laboratory environment and form the basis for providing different levels of support to the students at every step of the laboratory exercise. Furthermore, the game environment can be equipped with functionality for monitoring the students' progress and learning outcomes, thus enabling skill-based assessment.

Original languageEnglish
JournalASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings
StatePublished - 2011


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