A Game Theoretic Framework for Distributed Mission Slice Allocation and Management for Tactical Networks

Fan Yang, Cristina Comaniciu, P. Krishnan, Krishan Sabnani, Lloyd Greenwald

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


In this paper, we address the problem of implementing distributed slice allocation algorithms for tactical networks deployed in regions lacking a communication infrastructure. We propose a multi-agent game implementation in which Application Slice Agents (ASAs) compete for shared computational and bandwidth resources in the network. We prove that the game can be implemented as a two stage potential game, with the first stage ensuring the selection of computational servers with load balancing, and the second stage improving connectivity and network throughput by promoting inter-slice cooperation. Our proposed analysis framework also incorporates a theoretical model to capture the impact of mitigation methods for timing channel leaks for the shared resources for different slices, and proposes a theoretical framework that allows for a security-delay tradeoff analysis.

Original languageEnglish
Article number23
JournalJournal of Network and Systems Management
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 2023


  • Ad hoc networks
  • Potential games
  • Slice allocation
  • Tactical networks


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