A nonlinear-guided wave technique for evaluating plasticity-driven material damage in a metal plate

C. Pruell, J. Y. Kim, J. Qu, L. J. Jacobs

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

105 Scopus citations


This research develops an experimental method for evaluating material damage due to plastic deformation in a metal plate using nonlinear-guided waves. An improved version of a previously proposed measurement technique is used. The material nonlinearities of aluminum specimens loaded to produce different levels of plastic strain are measured with Lamb waves. A pair of wedge transducers is used to generate and detect the fundamental (s1) and second harmonic (s2) Lamb waves. The weak amplitude of the second harmonic wave is extracted from the spectrogram of a received signal. The measured acoustic nonlinearity increases monotonically with the level of plasticity (plastic strain), which is similar to the behavior of longitudinal and Rayleigh waves. This result indicates that Lamb waves can be used to assess plasticity-driven material damage in the established framework of the second harmonic generation technique. The effects and the importance of signal processing in determining the nonlinearity parameter are also discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)199-203
Number of pages5
JournalNDT and E International
Issue number3
StatePublished - Apr 2009


  • Damage assessment
  • Lamb waves
  • Nonlinear ultrasonics
  • Plasticity
  • Spectrogram


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