A novel NLO azothiophene-based chromophore: Synthesis, characterization, thermal stability and optical nonlinearity

Jumin Hao, Mei Juan Han, Kunpeng Guo, Yuxia Zhao, Ling Qiu, Yuquan Shen, Xiaoguang Meng

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

31 Scopus citations


This letter reports a new class of nonlinear optical (NLO) chromophores, of which 2-dicyanomethylen-3-cyano-4-{2-[2-(4-(N,N-di(2-hydroxyethyl)-amino)phenylazo)-thien-5]-E-vinyl}-5,5-dimethyl-2,5-dihydrofuran (2a) is the prototype with high thermal stability and large optical nonlinearity. Chromophore 2a was synthesized based on the azothiophene conjugated spacer and TCF electron-withdrawing acceptor, and characterized by IR, UV-Vis, MS and NMR spectra. A high decomposition temperature of 244 °C was determined by TGA measurement, and a first hyperpolarizability (zero-frequency hyperpolarizability, β0) as large as 800 × 10- 30 esu was estimated by HRS technology.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)973-976
Number of pages4
JournalMaterials Letters
Issue number6-7
StatePublished - 15 Mar 2008


  • Azothiophene chromophore
  • First hyperpolarizability
  • NLO materials
  • Thermal stability


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