A reference architecture for the American Multi-Modal Energy System enterprise

Dakota J. Thompson, Amro M. Farid

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


The American Multimodal Energy System (AMES) is a system-of-systems comprised of four separate but interdependent infrastructure enterprises: the electric grid, the natural gas enterprise, the oil enterprise, and the coal enterprise. Their interdependence creates the need to better understand the underlying architecture in order to move towards a more sustainable, resilient and accessible energy system. Collectively, these requirements necessitate a sustainable energy transition that constitute a change in the AMES instantiated architecture; although it leaves its reference architecture largely unchanged. Consequently, from a model-based systems engineering perspective, identifying the underlying enterprise model's reference architecture becomes a high priority. This paper defines a reference architecture for the AMES and its four component energy enterprises in a single SysML model. The architecture includes (allocated) block definition and activity diagrams for each enterprise. The reference architecture was developed from the S&P Global Platts (GIS) Map Data Pro data set and the EIA Annual Energy Outlook dataset. This reference architecture serves as the foundation from which to accurately and consistently create mathematical and informatic digital twins of the AMES.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100521
JournalJournal of Industrial Information Integration
StatePublished - Dec 2023


  • American multi-modal energy system
  • Energy systems
  • Enterprise modeling
  • Model-based systems engineering
  • Reference architecture
  • SysML


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