Absorption properties by irregularly shaped particles with inclusions at visible and near-infrared wavelength regions

Kazuhiko Masuda, Hiroshi Ishimoto, Tomonori Tanikawa, Knut Stamnes

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1 Scopus citations


The absorption properties of snow and ice particles containing impurities such as black carbon (BC) and mineral dust (DS) were investigated using the geometrical optics approximation method (GOM). This study focuses on analyzing the single scattering co-albedo (SSCA) characteristics of non-spherical particles, aiming to enhance the interpretation of radiation observations in snow and ice regions. Particle sizes were varied (rva=50,200 and 500μm) and two types of inclusions (1 ppmw of BC and 100 ppmw DS) were considered. Significant differences in SSCA, ranging from one to two orders of magnitude were observed at λ=0.5μm between the “homogeneous model” with effective medium approximation method (EMA) and the “inhomogeneous model” with 50 BC inclusions. Similarly, differences of a factor of 2 to 4 were found for DS with 100 ppmw at λ=0.5μm and BC with 1 ppmw at λ=0.875μm. To bridge intermediate SSCA values between these models, we propose an “inhomogeneous model with EMA”, introducing two parameters to account for impurity concentration and inclusion aggregation. Our findings highlight the importance of selecting appropriate single scattering calculation methods in the analysis of observation data, particularly when dealing with BC impurity with significant absorption characteristics. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of solar radiation absorption in snow and ice regions, with potential implications for the optical remote sensing of snow and ice and climate modeling studies.

Original languageEnglish
Article number108998
JournalJournal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
StatePublished - Jul 2024


  • Effective medium approximation
  • Geometrical optics method
  • Impurities
  • Irregularly shaped ice particles
  • Light absorption


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