Advanced ST plasma scenario simulations for NSTX

C. E. Kessel, E. J. Synakowski, M. E. Bell, D. A. Gates, R. W. Harvey, S. M. Kaye, T. K. Mau, J. Menard, C. K. Phillips, G. Taylor, R. Wilson

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17 Scopus citations


Integrated scenario simulations are done for NSTX that address four primary objectives for developing advanced spherical torus (ST) configurations: high β and high βN inductive discharges to study all aspects of ST physics in the high β regime; non-inductively sustained discharges for flattop times greater than the skin time to study the various current drive techniques; non-inductively sustained discharges at high β for flattop times much greater than a skin time which provides the integrated advanced ST target for NSTX and non-solenoidal startup and plasma current rampup. The simulations done here use the tokamak simulation code and are based on a discharge 109070. TRANSP analysis of the discharge provided the thermal diffusivities for electrons and ions, the neutral beam deposition profile and other characteristics. CURRAY is used to calculate the high harmonic fast wave (HHFW) heating depositions and current drive. GENRAY/CQL3D is used to establish the heating and CD deposition profiles for electron Bernstein waves (EBW). Analysis of the ideal MHD stability is done with JSOLVER, BALMSC and PEST2. The simulations indicate that the integrated advanced ST plasma is reachable, obtaining stable plasmas with βT ≈ 40% at β N's of 7.7-9, IP ≤ 1.0 MA and BT ≤ 0.35 T. The plasma is 100% non-inductive and has a flattop of four skin times. The resulting global energy confinement corresponds to a multiplier of H 98(y),2 ≤ 1.5. The simulations have demonstrated the importance of HHFW heating and CD, EBW off-axis CD, strong plasma shaping, density control and early heating/H-mode transition for producing and optimizing these plasma configurations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)814-824
Number of pages11
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number8
StatePublished - 1 Aug 2005


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