Advantages of measuring the Q stokes parameter in addition to the total radiance I in the detection of absorbing aerosols

Snorre Stamnes, Yongzhen Fan, Nan Chen, Wei Li, Tomonori Tanikawa, Zhenyi Lin, Xu Liu, Sharon Burton, Ali Omar, Jakob J. Stamnes, Brian Cairns, Knut Stamnes

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8 Scopus citations


A simple but novel study was conducted to investigate whether an imager-type spectroradiometer instrument like MODIS, currently flying on board the Aqua and Terra satellites, or MERIS, which flew on board Envisat, could detect absorbing aerosols if they could measure the Q Stokes parameter in addition to the total radiance I, that is if they could also measure the linear polarization of the light. Accurate radiative transfer calculations were used to train a fast neural network forward model, which together with a simple statistical optimal estimation scheme was used to retrieve three aerosol parameters: aerosol optical depth at 869 nm, optical depth fraction of fine mode (absorbing) aerosols at 869 nm, andaerosol vertical location. The aerosols were assumed to be bimodal, each with a lognormal size distribution, located either between 0 and 2 km or between 2 and 4 km in the Earth’s atmosphere. From simulated data with 3% random Gaussian measurement noise added for each Stokes parameter, it was found that by itself the total radiance I at the nine MODIS VIS channels was generally insufficient to accurately retrieve all three aerosol parameters (∼15–37%successful), but that together with the Q Stokes component it was possible to retrieve values of aerosol optical depth at 869 nm to ± 0.03, single-scattering albedo at 869 nm to ± 0.04, and vertical location in ∼65% of the cases. This proof-of-concept retrieval algorithm uses neural networks to overcome the computational burdens of using vector radiative transfer to accurately simulate top-of-atmosphere (TOA) total and polarized radiances, enabling optimal estimation techniques to exploit information from multiple channels. Therefore such an algorithm could, in concept, be readily implemented for operational retrieval of aerosol and ocean products from moderate or hyperspectral spectroradiometers.

Original languageEnglish
Article number34
JournalFrontiers in Earth Science
StatePublished - 15 May 2018


  • Aerosols
  • Neural networks
  • Optimal estimation
  • Polarized radiative transfer
  • SGLI


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