Adversarial Attacks for Image Segmentation on Multiple Lightweight Models

Xu Kang, Bin Song, Xiaojiang Du, Mohsen Guizani

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26 Scopus citations


Due to the powerful ability of data fitting, deep neural networks have been applied in a wide range of applications in many key areas. However, in recent years, it was found that some adversarial samples easily fool the deep neural networks. These input samples are generated by adding a few small perturbations based on the original sample, making a very significant influence on the decision of the target model in the case of not being perceived. Image segmentation is one of the most important technologies in the medical image and automatic driving field. This paper mainly explores the security of deep neural network models based on the image segmentation tasks. Two lightweight image segmentation models on the embedded device suffered from the white-box attack by using local perturbations and universal perturbations. The perturbations are generated indirectly by a noise function and an intermediate variable so that the gradient of pixels can be propagated unlimitedly. Through experiments, we find that different models have different blind spots, and the adversarial samples trained for a single model have no transferability. In the end, multiple models are attacked by our joint learning. Finally, under the constraint of low perturbation, most of the pixels in the attacked area have been misclassified by both lightweight models. The experimental result shows that the proposed adversary is more likely to affect the performance of the segmentation model compared with the FGSM.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8990068
Pages (from-to)31359-31370
Number of pages12
JournalIEEE Access
StatePublished - 2020


  • Adversarial samples
  • image segmentation
  • joint learning
  • multi-model attack
  • perturbations


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