An Enterprise Control Assessment Method for Variable Energy Resource-Induced Power System Imbalances - Part II: Parametric Sensitivity Analysis

Aramazd Muzhikyan, Amro M. Farid, Kamal Youcef-Toumi

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    14 Scopus citations


    In recent years, renewable energy has developed to address energy security and climate change drivers. However, as energy resources, they possess a variable and uncertain nature that significantly complicates grid balancing operations. As a result, an extensive academic and industrial literature has developed to determine how much such variable energy resources (VERs) may be integrated and how to best mitigate their impacts. While certainly insightful with the context of their application, many integration studies have methodological limitations because they are case specific, address a single control function of the power grid balancing operations, and are often not validated by simulation. The prequel to this paper presented a holistic method for the assessment of power grid imbalances induced by VERs based upon the concept of enterprise control. This paper now systematically studies these power grid imbalances in terms of five independent variables: 1) day-ahead market time step; 2) real-time market time step; 3) VER normalized variability; 4) normalized day-ahead VER forecast error; and 5) normalized short-term VER forecast error. The systematic study elucidates the impacts of these variables and provides significant insights as to how planners should address these independent variables in the future.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number7018074
    Pages (from-to)2459-2467
    Number of pages9
    JournalIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
    Issue number4
    StatePublished - Apr 2015


    • Power system imbalances
    • reserve requirements
    • variable energy resource integration


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