Analysis and applications of r-for-N protection system

Kevin W. Lu, Soung C. Liew

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

1 Scopus citations


The availability of a single member of a group of N functionally identical systems that work in parallel and share a pool of r backup systems is analyzed. These N + r systems, each with failure rate λ, are repairable, and there are m repairers available, each operating at rate μ. A Markov model is used to derive formulas for availability, mean time to failure, and mean time to repair for such a system. The analysis results indicate that by increasing r and decreasing ρ, the ratio of failure rate to repair rate, overall network availability is improved. It is shown that, for certain ρ's, some r:N pooled protections can significantly outperform 1:1 or 1:2 dedicated protection in terms of availability. The application of r:N protection to high-capacity transport systems is discussed, and it is indicated that multiwavelength systems may use additional wavelengths for protection. It is concluded that r:N protection can potentially provide both improved availability and significant cost advantages to the high-capacity transport systems.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGLOBECOM '90
Number of pages5
StatePublished - 1990
EventIEEE Global Telecommunications Conference & Exhibition Part 3 (of 3) - San Diego, CA, USA
Duration: 2 Dec 19905 Dec 1990

Publication series

NameIEEE Global Telecommunications Conference and Exhibition


ConferenceIEEE Global Telecommunications Conference & Exhibition Part 3 (of 3)
CitySan Diego, CA, USA


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