Arsenic bioaccessibility in a soil amended with drinking-water treatment residuals in the presence of phosphorus fertilizer

D. Sarkar, S. Quazi, K. C. Makris, R. Datta, A. Khairom

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25 Scopus citations


A laboratory incubation study was conducted to determine the effect of drinking-water treatment residuals (WTRs) on arsenic (As) bioaccessibility and phytoavailability in a poorly As-sorbing soil contaminated with arsenical pesticides and fertilized with triple super phosphate (TSP). The Immokalee soil (a sandy spodosol with minimal As-retention capacity) was amended with 2 WTRs (Al and Fe) at 5 application rates ranging between 0% and 5% wt/wt. Sodium arsenate and TSP were used to spike the soil with 90 mg As kg-1 and 115 mg P kg-1, respectively. Bioaccessible As was determined at time 0 (immediately after spiking), and at 6 and 12 months of equilibration using an in vitro gastrointestinal test, and As phytoavailability was measured with a 1-M KC1 extraction test. Arsenic phytoavailability decreased immediately after spiking (20% availability at 5% rate), but only after 6 months for the Al-WTR- and the Fe-WTR-amended soil, respectively. Arsenic bioaccessibility simulated for the stomach and intestine phases showed that the Fe-WTR was more effective than the Al-WTR in resisting the harsh acidic conditions of the human stomach, thus preventing As release. Both the phytoavailable As and the bioaccessible As were significantly correlated (p < 0.001) for soil spiked with either Al- or Fe-WTR. Both WTRs were able to decrease soil As bioaccessibility irrespective of the presence or absence of P, which was added as TSP. Results indicate the potential of WTRs in immobilizing As in contaminated soils fertilized with P, thereby minimizing soil As bioaccessibility and phytoavailability.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)329-336
Number of pages8
JournalArchives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Issue number3
StatePublished - Oct 2007


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