Axiomatic design based human resources management for the enterprise transformation of the Abu Dhabi healthcare labor pool

Inas Khayal, Amro M. Farid

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    9 Scopus citations


    The quality and reliability of a nation’s healthcare system is often driven by the number and diversity of its healthcare professionals. Unfortunately, many developing nations have constrained segments of highly skilled labor and must “import” this human capital. Volatility in key healthcare professions can threaten reliable and sustainable healthcare delivery. This article considers the development of a healthcare human resources sector in a quickly developing nation as an enterprise transformation problem. In this article, the axiomatic design large flexible system modeling framework is used to assess healthcare delivery capability in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Here, each profession type is modeled as a functional requirement, and the physical hierarchy is modeled at individual, healthcare facility, and regional levels. The knowledge base is filled with the associated number of professionals of a given type provided by the corresponding design parameters. The Abu Dhabi case study shows significant volatility in the healthcare labor market. The work demonstrates that te axiomatic design theory as applied to large flexible systems can be applied to data-centric methods in human resources management in the context of skills shortages and high attrition rates.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)162-191
    Number of pages30
    JournalJournal of Enterprise Transformation
    Issue number3
    StatePublished - 2015


    • Axiomatic design for large flexible systems
    • Enterprise management information systems
    • Enterprise transformation
    • Human resources management
    • Strategic planning
    • System architecture


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