BEMPAS: A Decentralized Employee Performance Assessment System Based on Blockchain for Smart City Governance

Emmanuel Boateng Sifah, Hu Xia, Christian Nii Aflah Cobblah, Qi Xia, Jianbin Gao, Xiaojiang Du

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

28 Scopus citations


In recent years, the use of blockchain has gained attention in industrial interventions and research. Blockchain technologies can be particularly utilized in the domain of Smart Governance, which is a critical component of Smart Cities. Smart Governance aims to ensure smarter decision making, openness and collaborative participation of all entities involved as well as help minimize resource usage, reduce consumption and save cost. Smart Governance involves putting in place systems for monitoring and evaluating the performance of government workers. However, government workers lack trust in these systems because they are mostly centralized systems which are prone to single-point of failure problems and also data fed into these systems can be tampered with by the higher-ups or employers to favour individual workers. With these problems, there is a need for a decentralized system that can ensure trust, tamper-resistance, accountability, reliability, transparency and security. In this paper, we propose a decentralized employee evaluation system based on blockchain. We utilized a 3-chain model, namely; ID-Chain, Behavior Chain and Credit Chain fused to make a single unified chain. Our system also makes use of an automated game-based employee evaluation approach. Our system is based on Hyperledger Fabric as the blockchain platform and operating mechanism. Our Proof of Concept (PoC) results shows that in utilizing the Blockchain system, security concerns such as trust, privacy, accountability, among others, that are present in current employee performance evaluation systems are tackled and also in the adoption of the game-based automated system, our system can make an effective decision regarding employee performance. Our system achieves trust, transparency, security and accountability among government workers under a Smart City governing environment.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9099792
Pages (from-to)99528-99539
Number of pages12
JournalIEEE Access
StatePublished - 2020


  • Blockchain
  • Digital identification
  • Employee performance evaluation systems
  • Game theory
  • Smart city


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