Blockchain-Enhanced High-Confidence Energy Sharing in Internet of Electric Vehicles

Gang Sun, Miao Dai, Feng Zhang, Hongfang Yu, Xiaojiang Du, Mohsen Guizani

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88 Scopus citations


To introduce the opportunities brought by plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) to the energy Internet, we propose a local vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) energy trading architecture based on fog computing in social hotspots and model the social welfare maximization (SWM) problem to balance the interests of both charging and discharging PHEVs. Considering transaction security and privacy protection issues, we employ a consortium blockchain in our designed energy trading architecture, which is different from the traditional centralized power systems, to reduce the reliance on trusted third parties. Moreover, we improve the practical Byzantine fault tolerance (PBFT) algorithm and introduce it into a consensus algorithm, called the delegated proof of stake (DPOS) algorithm, to design a more efficient and promising consensus algorithm, called DPOSP, which greatly reduces resource consumption and enhances consensus efficiency. To encourage PHEVs to participate in V2V energy transactions, we design an energy iterative bidirectional auction (EIDA) mechanism to resolve the SWM problem and obtain optimal charging and discharging decisions and energy pricing. Finally, we conduct extensive simulations to verify the proposed DPOSP algorithm and provide numerical results for a comparison with the performance of the genetic algorithm and the Lagrange algorithm in achieving EIDA.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9089235
Pages (from-to)7868-7882
Number of pages15
JournalIEEE Internet of Things Journal
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 2020


  • Charging/discharging decision
  • consortium blockchain
  • electric vehicles
  • energy trading
  • fog computing


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