Bounding the penguin effects in determinations of [formula presented] from [formula presented]

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In the absence of QCD penguin contributions a measurement of the time-dependent asymmetry in the decay (Formula presented) gives directly the weak angle (Formula presented) Several bounds have been proposed in the literature on the magnitude of the penguin effects on this determination, the prototype of which is the isospin bound of Grossman and Quinn. We point out that large strong final state interactions could cause these bounds to overestimate the real penguin effect. A new flavor SU(3) bound is proposed, requiring only the charge-averaged branching ratios for (Formula presented) and (Formula presented) which exactly takes into account all relevant amplitudes and electroweak penguin effects. This bound on the penguin-induced error on the determination of the weak phase (Formula presented) holds even without knowledge of direct (Formula presented) asymmetry in the (Formula presented) channel.

Original languageEnglish
JournalPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1999


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