Caching mechanism for mobile edge computing in V2I networks

Zhaohui Luo, Minghui LiWang, Lianfen Huang, Xiaojiang Du, Mohsen Guizani

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11 Scopus citations


The caching-enabled mobile edge computing (MEC) system becomes increasingly crucial to the future long-term evolution vehicle-to-infrastructure (LTE-V2I) network, especially for fast delivery of popular content of delay-sensitive applications in the backhaul capacity–limited vehicular networks. Most related studies mainly focus on computation offloading strategy design and coding caching, while the deployment strategy design of caching capacities for high-speed vehicles has been overlooked. In this paper, we investigate the deployment problem in LTE-V2I networks with particular consideration on high-speed vehicles. First, in a one-way scenario, a joint optimization framework is formulated to minimize the cache size of the MEC system, meanwhile maximizing the average downloading percentage, where the MEC system's backhaul capacities, vehicle speeds, content popularity distributions, and sides of the highway are taken into account. The impacts of LTE-V2I system parameters, eg, vehicle speed, on the objective function are revealed through the one-way optimization. Then, the two-way optimization is formulated and solved by developing an iterative optimization approach based on the aforementioned one-way scenario. Particularly, the optimal caching allocation between two ways is derived. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches even with low backhaul capacities and high vehicle speed.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere3689
JournalTransactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 2019


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