Characterising modular architectures

David M. Sharman, Ali A. Yassine, Paul Carlile

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

    24 Scopus citations


    In this paper, we introduce the basic syntax and semantics for scrutinising DSMs in order to characterise the architecture of a complex system. Using this language, we then describe the process issues faced by clustering algorithms and use them to arrive at quantifiable signature measures for describing architectural types spanning the modular-integrated continuum. This language is demonstrated using a sequence of illustrative cartoons that are woven between the analysis of a more complex architecture of an industrial gas turbine.

    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages14
    StatePublished - 2002
    Event14th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology Integrated Systems Design Theme: Aircraft Systems - Montreal, Que., Canada
    Duration: 29 Sep 20022 Oct 2002


    Conference14th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology Integrated Systems Design Theme: Aircraft Systems
    CityMontreal, Que.


    • Architecture
    • Dependency
    • Dependency Structure Matrix
    • Design Rules
    • Dimensionality
    • Integral
    • Modular
    • Molecular Diagram
    • Path Dependency
    • Visibility


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