Clinicians’ Social Support, Job Stress, and Intent to Leave Healthcare during COVID-19

Ayhan Tabur, Avishek Choudhury, Abdurrahim Emhan, Cengiz Mengenci, Onur Asan

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    21 Scopus citations


    The onset of COVID-19 has escalated healthcare workers’ psychological distress. Multiple factors, including prolonged exposure to COVID-19 patients, irregular working hours, and workload, have substantially contributed to stress and burnout among healthcare workers. To explore the impact of COVID-19 on healthcare workers, our study compares the job stress, social support, and intention to leave the job among healthcare workers working in a pandemic (HP) and a non-pandemic hospital (HNP) in Turkey during the pandemic. The cross-sectional, paper-based survey involved 403 healthcare workers including physicians, registered nurses, health technicians, and auxiliary staff across two hospitals from 1 September 2020 to 31 November 2020. The findings indicate a significant impact of ‘Job stress’ on ‘Intent to leave’ job among participants in the HP . We noted that ‘intent to leave’ and ‘job stress’ were significantly higher among the HP healthcare workers than those working in the HNP, respectively. However, workers’ ‘social support’ was significantly lower in the HP . Healthcare workers, during COVID-19, face several hurdles such as job stress, reduced social support, and excessive workload, all of which are potential factors influencing a care provider’s intent to leave the job.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number229
    JournalHealthcare (Switzerland)
    Issue number2
    StatePublished - Feb 2022


    • Burnout
    • COVID-19
    • Occupational stress
    • Social support
    • Workload


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