Conceptual framework for integrating a wireless sensor and control network into a robotics course for senior students of mechanical engineering technology

Zhou Zhang, Andy S. Zhang, Mingshao Zhang, Sven K. Esche

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Modern robotics is a field that integrates mechanical, electrical, computer and information systems. However, students of Engineering Technology, especially Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET), are facing two dilemmas when taking robotics courses because technology programs mainly focus on hands-on skills and there are fewer fundamental robotics-related courses in the MET curriculum than in electrical engineering technology. In order to improve the performance of the student in robotics program of MET, an educational framework based on using a wireless sensor and control network (WSCN) was devised and employed in the senior-level robotics course "Sensor and Actuator Applications in Robotics". This framework has two advantages over the former teaching methodology. First, it is low cost and used to facilitate conceptual education with popular and affordable mechatronics devices (Arduino development kit, sensors, wireless communication modules, actuators, etc.). Second, the devised ready-to-use framework avoids exposing the students to complicated algorithms and appropriately balances the students' time between theory and practice, thus letting them focus more on the applications of robotics. Therefore, both the students and instructors can take advantage of the limited number of class hours to develop sophisticated projects. During the implementation, the course was redesigned based on pre-class survey results and the assessment of the students' abilities. Subsequently, the students were instructed to familiarize themselves with basic sensors and actuators, the Arduino development kit and c-based programming with Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Then, the framework was implemented into the course. over the course of the semester, a series of homework and projects were assigned. Through these assignments, the students were able to build practical devices within the framework. This framework enhanced the students' understanding of the fundamental concepts, and the practical applications inspired the students' interest in this course, which also improved their performance.

Original languageEnglish
JournalASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings
StatePublished - 23 Jun 2018
Event125th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition - Salt Lake City, United States
Duration: 23 Jun 201827 Dec 2018


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