Contribution of coastal structures to wave force attenuation: A numerical investigation of fluid-structure interaction for partially perforated caissons

Mohammadreza Aliyari, Erfan Amini, Reza Attarnejad, Reza Marsooli

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Perforated caissons are increasingly used as an advanced solution for seawalls and breakwaters, even in open, rough seas. Despite their widespread implementation, challenges remain in accurately calculating wave forces acting on these structures. Furthermore, the applicability of common design formulas for determining wave forces on perforated caissons under various hydrodynamic conditions is not fully understood. In this study, the commercial CFD package FLUENT™ is employed to perform three-dimensional RANS-VOF numerical simulations of a partially perforated caisson on a rubble-mound foundation. The numerical model is evaluated from different viewpoints, including the generation of nonlinear waves, interaction between waves and common coastal structures (solid vertical walls) and finally, wave-perforated caisson interactions. A good agreement was obtained between the present model results and previous theoretical and laboratory results. The model is then utilized to qualitatively investigate wave-structure interactions through free surface levels, eddy viscosity, and spatial pressure distributions during various phases of interaction. Furthermore, the applicability of common design formulas and the perforated caisson's performance are thoroughly examined under a wide range of parameters affecting the horizontal wave force on the structure, including rubble mound height, wavelength, wave height, water depth, and berm width. The study finds that the Takahashi formula shows some discrepancies in wave force predictions, while the Tabet-Aoul method struggles to accurately predict wave forces on the front wall of the perforated caisson. The DUT's methods perform well only within the assumptions used in their developments. This research also investigates the effect of different design parameters on the forces acting on the perforated caissons and provides insights into the strengths and limitations of each design formula and discusses the conditions under which partially perforated caissons demonstrate optimal performance compared to conventional solid caissons. This information will aid engineers in determining accurate horizontal wave forces exerted on partially perforated caissons, ultimately contributing to more effective and efficient designs.

Original languageEnglish
Article number114745
JournalOcean Engineering
StatePublished - 15 Jul 2023


  • Coastal resilience
  • Coastal structure
  • Computational fluid dynamics
  • Flood mitigation
  • Numerical simulation
  • Partially perforated caissons (PPCs)
  • Wave force attenuation


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