Control relaxation via dephasing: A quantum-state-diffusion study

Jun Jing, Ting Yu, Chi Hang Lam, J. Q. You, Lian Ao Wu

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18 Scopus citations


Dynamical decoupling as a quantum control strategy aims at suppressing quantum decoherence adopting the popular philosophy that the disorder in the unitary evolution of the open quantum system caused by environmental noises should be neutralized by a sequence of ordered or well-designed external operations acting on the system. This work studies the solution of quantum-state-diffusion equations by mixing two channels of environmental noises, i.e., relaxation (dissipation) and dephasing. It is interesting to find in two-level and three-level atomic systems that a non-Markovian relaxation or dissipation process can be suppressed by a Markovian dephasing noise. The discovery results in an anomalous control strategy by coordinating relaxation and dephasing processes. Our approach opens an avenue of noise control strategy with no artificial manipulation over the open quantum systems.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012104
JournalPhysical Review A
Issue number1
StatePublished - 8 Jan 2018


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