Cooperative Content Caching for Mobile Edge Computing with Network Coding

Weisheng He, Yuhan Su, Xueting Xu, Zhaohui Luo, Lianfen Huang, Xiaojiang Du

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


As an important technology in next-generation networks, mobile edge computing (MEC) can bring high-speed intelligent network services to users. However, planning MEC file transmission represents a problem to be urgently solved. In addition, network coding has been an emerging technology in recent years, and certain forms of cooperation with wireless relays can improve the transmission efficiency of network data. In this paper, we focus on cooperation in MEC intelligent cache with network coding. First, we built a MEC intelligent cache analysis platform that includes multiple algorithms; it can predetermine which streaming media files should be stored in the limited storage space of the MEC device to provide users the most efficient intelligent network experience. The platform's decision algorithm includes an innovative composite recommendation algorithm that is more comprehensive than the traditional recommendation algorithm. The MEC file extracted from the core network is then simultaneously transmitted to the edge with the real-time normal communication file using an innovative network coding and wireless relay cooperation method; with that, the files stored in the MEC can be cached to the edge. The normal network communication process does not require additional slot costs. The simulation results show that the proposed cooperation scheme can effectively improve network data transmission, improve users' average access rate, and offer users better intelligent network services.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8725900
Pages (from-to)67695-67707
Number of pages13
JournalIEEE Access
StatePublished - 2019


  • Mobile edge computing
  • cooperative communications
  • intelligent cache
  • network coding
  • wireless relay


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