Corrigendum to “Not all who ponder count costs: Arithmetic reflection predicts utilitarian tendencies, but logical reflection predicts both deontological and utilitarian tendencies” (Cognition (2019) 192, (S0010027719301684), (10.1016/j.cognition.2019.06.007))

Nick Byrd, Paul Conway

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


The authors regret to find an error in Table 2’s first column numbering. The first column's ordered list repeats the number 2. That is, it numbers variables as 1, 2, 2, 3,…, 18 rather than 1, 2,3, 4, …, 19—corrections underlined. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104083
StatePublished - Feb 2020


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