Coverage-Dependent Adsorption of Hydrogen on Fe(100): Determining Catalytically Relevant Surface Structures via Lattice Gas Models

Alyssa J.R. Hensley, Greg Collinge, Yong Wang, Jean Sabin McEwen

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23 Scopus citations


Hydrogen adatoms are a critical surface species for several reactions catalyzed by Fe surfaces such as Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, ammonia synthesis, and the hydrodeoxygenation of biomass-derived oxygenates. Parameterizing the energetics for H/Fe in terms of both coverage and configuration space can significantly aid in the development of multiscale models as well as provide atomic level insight into the dominant surface structures present under realistic reaction conditions. Here, we construct a lattice gas model for H/Fe(100), where the lateral interactions are determined from first-principles using density functional theory. Using 950 symmetrically unique H/Fe(100) configurations, we generate a cluster expansion with a predictive accuracy in terms of surface energy of 3.8 meV/site over a coverage range from 0 to 3 monolayers. Ten electronic ground state structures are identified from this thorough scan (including the structures at 0 and 3 monolayers), which were subsequently used to generate ab initio phase diagrams under a range of temperatures and pressures. Under reaction conditions typical of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, ammonia synthesis, and biomass oxygenate hydrodeoxygenation, we find that the 1.0 monolayer structure is dominant. Furthermore, examination of the total H-H lateral interactions for the H/Fe(100) electronic ground state structures shows that H/Fe(100) can be accurately modeled via a mean-field ideal lattice gas model for coverages less than 1.0 monolayers. Overall, this work enables the incorporation of H-H lateral interactions on Fe(100) into multiscale models, via either mean-field or site-dependent techniques, and provides atomic insight into the catalytically relevant H/Fe(100) structures for a range of heterogeneous reactions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7254-7266
Number of pages13
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry C
Issue number13
StatePublished - 2 Apr 2020


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