Creation, detection, and decoherence of macroscopic quantum superposition states in double-well Bose-Einstein condensates

Y. P. Huang, M. G. Moore

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79 Scopus citations


We study the possibility of creating many-particle macroscopic quantum superposition (SchrÃdinger cat)â€"like states by using a Feshbach resonance to reverse the sign of the scattering length of a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a double-well potential. To address the issue of the experimental verification of coherence in the catlike state, we study the revival of the initial condensate state in the presence of environmentally induced decoherence. As a source of decoherence, we consider the interaction between the atoms and the electromagnetic vacuum, due to the polarization induced by an incident laser field. We find that the resulting decoherence is directly related to the rate at which spontaneously scattered photons carry away sufficient information to distinguish between the two atom distributions which make-up the cat state. We show that for a "perfect" cat state, a single scattered photon will bring about a collapse of the superposition, while a less-than-perfect catlike state can survive multiple scatterings before the collapse occurs. In addition, we study the dephasing effect of atom-atom collisions on the catlike states.

Original languageEnglish
Article number023606
JournalPhysical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2006


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