Database submission: Market dynamics and user-generated content about tablet computers

Xin Shane Wang, Feng Mai, Roger H.L. Chiang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

29 Scopus citations


Our Tablet Computer data set, collected from various websites, contains market dynamics related to 2,163 products, characteristics of 794 products, more than 40,000 consumer-generated product reviews, and information about 39,278 reviewers. The market dynamic information was collected weekly for 24 weeks starting February 1, 2012. Our Tablet Computer data set comprises four tables: the Market Dynamics of Products, Product Characteristic Information, Consumer-Generated Product Reviews, and Reviewer Information tables. In turn, it offers three unique properties. First, it contains both structured product information and unstructured product reviews. Second, it comprises product characteristic information and market dynamic information. Third, this data set integrates user-generated content with manufacturer-provided content. This integrated data set (available at is valuable for both academics and practitioners who conduct research related to marketing, information systems, computer science, and other fields using digital data readily available through the Internet.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)449-458
Number of pages10
JournalMarketing Science
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2014


  • Market dynamics
  • Online product reviews
  • Tablet computers
  • User-generated content


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