Design guidelines of triboelectric nanogenerator for water wave energy harvesters

Abdelsalam Ahmed, Islam Hassan, Tao Jiang, Khalid Youssef, Lian Liu, Mohammad Hedaya, Taher Abu Yazid, Jean Zu, Zhong Lin Wang

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34 Scopus citations


Ocean waves are one of the cleanest and most abundant energy sources on earth, and wave energy has the potential for future power generation. Triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) technology has recently been proposed as a promising technology to harvest wave energy. In this paper, a theoretical study is performed on a duck-shaped TENG wave harvester recently introduced in our work. To enhance the design of the duck-shaped TENG wave harvester, the mechanical and electrical characteristics of the harvester's overall structure, as well as its inner configuration, are analyzed, respectively, under different wave conditions, to optimize parameters such as duck radius and mass. Furthermore, a comprehensive hybrid 3D model is introduced to quantify the performance of the TENG wave harvester. Finally, the influence of different TENG parameters is validated by comparing the performance of several existing TENG wave harvesters. This study can be applied as a guideline for enhancing the performance of TENG wave energy harvesters.

Original languageEnglish
Article number185403
Issue number18
StatePublished - 11 Apr 2017


  • design guideline
  • hybrid 3D model
  • triboelectric nanogenerators
  • wave energy


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