Distributed Generation Hosting Capacity Evaluation for Distribution Systems Considering the Robust Optimal Operation of OLTC and SVC

Shouxiang Wang, Sijia Chen, Leijiao Ge, Lei Wu

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272 Scopus citations


With the rapidly increasing penetration of renewable distributed generation (DG), the maximum hosting capacity (MHC) of a distribution system has become a major concern. To effectively evaluate the ability of a distribution system to accommodate DGs, this paper proposes an MHC evaluation method while considering the robust optimal operation of on load tap changers (OLTCs) and static var compensators (SVCs) in the uncertain context of DG power outputs and load consumptions. The proposed method determines the DG hosting capacities corresponding to different conservative levels. Furthermore, this paper discusses how to find out the most critical technical constraint that may limit the MHC by adjusting parameters of the proposed robust formulation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated using a modified IEEE 33-bus distribution system.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7426863
Pages (from-to)1111-1123
Number of pages13
JournalIEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jul 2016


  • Distributed generation
  • distribution system
  • maximum hosting capacity
  • robust optimization
  • uncertainty


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